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TLEF Funded Proposals 2014 / 15

Faculty of Applied Science

Developing Engineering Design Workshop for First-year Engineering Students-APSC150 Case Study 1 Noboru Yonemitsu $24,700.00
mLearning for Practice Phase 2: using augmented reality to enhance lab and clinical teaching in multidisplinary health professional education and practice Bernie Garrett $30,760.00
UBC Engineering Design Teams Jordan Balanko $88,600.00
Trees for Vancouver Douglas Justice $2,800.00

Faculty of Arts

Webcasting 2.0: Translating, Captioning, and Indexing for Flexible Learning Timothy Cheek $9,500.00
Human and Environmental Geography Experiential Learning Initiative Siobhán McPhee $29,200.00
Online Japanese Dictionary Joshua S. Mostow $15,750.00

College of Health Disciplines

Inclusive campus-developing a “personalized accessibility plan (MyAP)” to foster the participation of students with disabilities in health and human service professional programs Tal Jarus $66,478.00

Faculty of Dentistry

Enhancing Dental Student Learning Through an Interactive, Online, Competency-Based Progress Test System HsingChi von Bergmann $40,200.00
Transitioning into a dental hygiene baccalaureate: Understanding and enhancing academic and social integration-Year II Judith Walker $17,295.00

Faculty of Education

Turning Teacher-Candidates to Inquiry: Improving Preparation of Future K-12 Teachers in Mathematics and Science through Active Technology Engagement Marina Milner-Bolotin $57,415.00

Faculty of Forestry

Integration of the Questogo © platform to enhance soil science and forest ecology courses Maja Krzic $43,140.00
Enhancing Student Learning through Next-Generation Digital Wood Fabrication Thomas Tannert $17,500.00

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Students’ Perspectives on Graduate Student Mentoring Wendy Hall $7,916.00


Growing and Sustaining the Graduate Research Commons Trish Rosseel $91,607.00

Faculty of Medicine

Near Peer Evaluation: Implementation of T-RES for Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Placements, Phase 2 Donna Drynan $14,765.00
Student-run rehabilitation clinic for persons with Multiple Sclerosis: A pilot project Susan Forwell $49,946.00
The Development of Online Oncology Modules, an Oncology App and Virtual Patients to Support Interdisciplinary Oncology Instruction Paris-Ann Ingledew $6,507.00
Case-Based Learning (CBL) Tutor Training Program: Supporting MD Undergraduate Curriculum Renewal Sandra Jarvis-Selinger $45,000.00
Enhancing cancer genetics education through participatory development of internet-based community education resources Wyeth W. Wasserman $37,757.00

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Enhancing Student Learning and Expanding Institutional Experiential Clerkship Opportunities across UBC’s Pharmacy Programs Peter Loewen $140,936.00

Sauder School of Business

Flipping the classroom: Improving student engagement and learning in-class with improved pre-class student preparation Drew Paulin $33,800.00
Inspiring entrepreneurship in the classroom using a prediction market approach John Ries $22,900.00

Faculty of Science

Increasing the Impact of Science-Specific Writing Skills Resources for Learning and Teaching Jackie Stewart $43,686.00
On-line Homework System for Undergraduate Statistics Courses Bruce Dunham $29,950.00
Capping a Sustainability Pathway Shona Ellis $82,900.00
Peer Evaluation of Assessments without Grading: A Pilot of Adaptive Comparative Judgment Mark MacLean $53,417.00
Emerging Aboriginal Scholars Summer School Melania Alvarez $30,000.00

Vice-President Academic

The Terry Project on CiTR-An interdisciplinary program exploring global issues through a unique mix of storytelling, discussion, and debate. (Formerly “The Terry Project Podcast”). David Ng $39,770.00

Vice-President Students

Enhanced Career Services and Resources for Graduate Students Kim Kiloh $103,100.00
Intercultural Understanding: A Transformative Student Training Model C. J. Rowe $25,000.00
Building Synergy in Promoting Mental Health Awareness Across Campus Using a Student-Led Participatory Action Approach Michael Lee $65,374.00
Peer Wellness Coaching Program Cheryl Washburn $43,172.00

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund
Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic,

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