Applied Science | ||
Design Pad: Software to Enhance Collaborative Design Processes | Antony Hodgson | $20,230.00 |
UBC Thunderbirds Robotics Snowbots, TREAD, RoboCup | John Meech | $118,000.00 |
Piloting the Assessment of Program Level Learning Outcomes in Civil Engineering via Course Design | Thomas Froese | $38,170.00 |
Using Video PODcasts to integrate conceptual knowledge and laboratory practice | Peter Englezos | $22,800.00 |
Enhancing the Design Experience in 2nd Year Electrical and Computer Engineering Projects | Leo Stocco | $54,024.30 |
UBC Solar | William Dunford | $50,000.00 |
Engaging students with the environmental dimensions of urban design via the web | Cynthia Girling | $54,702.61 |
Developing a Toolkit for Clinical Instructors to Enhance Student Learning About Nursing Care of Older Adults | Jennifer Baumbusch | $22,330.00 |
UBC Aero Design (Heavy Lift) | Pete Ostafichuk | $5,000.00 |
Arts | ||
Expanding and Enriching the Co-ordinated Arts Program: Phase III | Manuela Costantino / Neil Guppy | $110,000.00 |
Faculty of Arts Academic Commuter Transition Program (FAACT) – formerly titled “Creating Academic Community in the Faculty of Arts | Sally Hermansen | $49,300.00 |
Immigrant Vancouver Ethnographic Field School | Alexia Bloch | $27,675.00 |
Directed Studies Research Program Enhancement | Eric Eich | $28,842.00 |
Field-Based Learning Initiative in the Geographical Biogeosciences Program | Brett Eaton | $44,528.00 |
Web-based Curriculum Resources for UBC First Nations Languages Courses | Patricia Shaw | $53,388.00 |
Indigenous Foundations: A Multi-Media Website on First Nations History, Culture and Politics | Linc Kesler | $78,810.95 |
Global Encounters: An Interdisciplinary Project for Enhancing the Teaching of Cultural Contact and Exchange at UBC | Neil Safier | $3,600.00 |
Building a framework for an innovative method of online learning at UBC Creative Writing | Keith Maillard | $21,450.00 |
Musicianship in the Digital Era: Embracing New Technologies in the Advancement of Individual and Ensemble Performance Skills | Robert Taylor | $56,392.00 |
Emerging Visual Artists: Facilitating Their Development Through the Enhancement of Digital Studio Resources | Xiong Gu | $25,000.00 |
Collaborative workshop for Doctoral Students in Geography | Jamie Peck | $2,129.00 |
Breathless Days: 1959-1960: Audio Taping and Conference Website | Serge Guilbaut | $5,220.00 |
Arts & VP Students | ||
Arts Internship Program (Formerly titled “Internships: Expanding experiential education in the Faculty of Arts”) | Howie Outerbridge | $31,500.00 |
College of Health Disciplines | ||
A Parisian Salon: creating a culture of intellect around the social determinants of health | Lesley Bainbridge | $5,000.00 |
An Innovative Interprofessional student run clinic to provide a community health program for people with complex conditions | Dale Stogryn | $15,997.00 |
Interprofessional Pain Management Course | Lesley Bainbridge | $42,223.00 |
Community partnerships for Health Professional Education | Angela Towle | $77,020.00 |
College of Health Disciplines / Faculty of Medicine | ||
Interactive Electronic Learning and Teaching Management System for Midwifery Education | Saraswathi Vedam | $46,510.00 |
Promoting Mental Health Awareness on Campus: A Student-led Interprofessional Learning Project to Benefit the UBC Community | Michael Lee | $15,609.00 |
Strengthening an Ethical Platform for International Engagement and Service-learning at UBC: Filling knowledge and educational resource gaps | Kendra Foster | $65,000.00 |
College for Interdisciplinary Studies | ||
Greening the campus and the world – UBC as a Living Laboratory | Gunilla Oberg | $8,000.00 |
Continuing Studies | ||
Instructional Skills for International Teaching Assistants (ITA) | Karen Rolston | $66,000.00 |
Education | ||
Creating a Sustainable and Participatory Professional Development Website in conjunction with a Required Course in the Secondary Bachelor of Education Program | Theresa Rogers | $23,387.00 |
Delivering and Evaluating Student-Focussed, Faculty-Facilitated Videos to Prevent Injuries and Improve Health | Karim Khan | $85,200.00 |
Programmatic and Curricular Integration: Digital pedagogies for the new teacher education program | Rita Irwin | $75,500.00 |
Forestry | ||
Incorporating Local and Indigenous Perspectives of Sustainability: Training of Global Stewards via CONS452 | Sarah Gergel | $22,250.00 |
Graduate Studies | ||
Reaching beyond: Teaching and learning and interdisciplinarity at UBC | Hillel Goelman | $46,300.00 |
The Geothermal Education Institute Initiative: Bringing UBC to the forefront of global geothermal education and training | Eleni Patsa | $92,000.00 |
Land & Food Systems | ||
Educating food scientists: development of a framework to guide curriculum improvement and pedagogical practices | Christine Scaman | $41,808.80 |
Redefining the Undergraduate Experience: Integrating Sustainability into Transdisciplinary Programs for Experiential Education (Year 2) | Andrew Riseman | $50,000.00 |
Soil in Questions: an interactive self-assessment and evaluation tool for natural resources courses | Maja Krzic | $19,522.00 |
International Food and Nutrition Security Initiative | Judy McLean | $42,700.00 |
Cultivating Place on campus and online: Online and in-class content connecting students and UBC Farm Aboriginal initiatives | Eduardo Jovel | $25,000.00 |
Library | ||
Online Learning Opportunities for Commuter and Distance Education Students | Trish Rosseel | $25,512.00 |
Library / Sauder School of Business | ||
Working 2.0: Co-Curricular Learning Tools Assessment, Evaluation and Development for a B-School Learning Commons | Janice Wallace | $32,300.00 |
Medicine | ||
Canada’s first collaborative model of curriculum development concerning provision of culturally safe and relevant health care in speech-language pathology and audiology for Aboriginal people | B. May Bernhardt | $47,450.00 |
UBC CARES: Computer Assisted Reproductive health Education for Students: A community needs-based, inter-professional, student-driven collaboration to enhance family planning medical education | Wendy V. Norman | $35,127.50 |
From Passion to Skill: A Platform for Implementing a Global Health Curriculum at UBC | Videsh Kapoor | $5,760.00 |
Surgical Residents as Teachers (SRAT): Implementing an Educators’ Curriculum for Surgical Residents | Sandra Jarvis-Selinger | $70,000.00 |
Innovative model for student learning in a community program for people with chronic conditions | Sue Murphy and Scott Brolin | $42,700.00 |
A Multi-disciplinary Teaching DVD for Students, Faculty and Community Education: Providing Palliative Care in BC Hospice/ Palliative Care Settings | Patricia Boston | $123,526.00 |
Creation of simulation modules to teach trainees communication and collaboration skills | Adam Peets | $8,962.00 |
The Balancing Act: Exploring the design of structured educational modules to maximize the value of medical students’ unsupervised learning in the simulation setting | Adam Peets | $29,886.21 |
Development of a series of “5-minute Bedside Teaching Modules” in Emergency Medicine | Todd Raine | $56,640.00 |
Lights, Camera, Surgery: Production of Surgical Education Videos with the OR Setting | Geoffrey Blair | $25,900.00 |
An Interdisciplinary E-learning Program to Enhance Pediatric Oncology Education | Karen Goddard | $21,000.00 |
Development of an Online Collaborative Clinical Teaching Community of Practice in Emergency Medicine | Todd Raine | $24,300.00 |
Wrap-Up and Editing of Online Teaching Resources Project in Urology | John S.T. Masterson | $9,120.00 |
Enhancing medical education by creating learning opportunities and clinical electives in prison communities, phase 2: evaluation development | Megan Smith & Ruth Elwood Martin |
$19,430.00 |
Development of a checklist of endotrachial intubation: an educational module | Donald Griesdale | $19,687.00 |
Community Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS) | Peter Granger | $54,850.00 |
Improving Academic Half Days in UBC Subspecialty Medicine Programs | Leslie N. Zypchen and Luke Chen | $5,540.00 |
Assessment of Skills in Ordering Diagnostic Tests: A Case-Based Approach | William E. Schreiber | $64,800.00 |
Sauder School of Business | ||
The “Sustainable Business by Design” Studio: a laboratory for evolving a community of practice | Moura Quayle | $85,641.00 |
Student Experience Research Advisory (SERA) Start-Up | Vivian Forssman | $28,050.00 |
Science | ||
Q4B: Development of a Biology Concept Question Inventory | Leah P. Macfadyen | $60,612.00 |
Communicating Science: development of online resource and interactive learning centre for a new course in the General Science Program | Shona Ellis | $61,896.00 |
Chemistry Integrated Resource Package for Chemistry 123: Providing a consistent, high quality, first year experience | Jennifer Love & Jackie Stewart | $41,350.00 |
Laboratory and web-based resources for student-directed learning in microbial biodiversity | Patrick Keeling | $43,984.00 |
Designing real-world physics problems for first-year students | George Rieger | $15,112.02 |
Building Capacity for Undergraduate Peer Leaders in Chemistry | Michael Fryzuk & Jackie Stewart | $6,490.00 |
Enhancing First-Year Calculus Workshop Delivery Via Web-Based Tools | Rajiv Gupta | $7,000.00 |
Development of New Integrated Third-year Chemistry Experiments | Robin Stoodley | $56,931.84 |
Informing Laboratory Curriculum Enhancement through the Examination of the Laboratory Skill Expectations of Employers of Chemistry Bachelor’s Students | Jennifer Duis | $7,000.00 |
A Small Radio Telescope for Undergraduate Astronomy | Ingrid Stairs | $6,030.00 |
VP External | ||
Musqueam Bridge Through Sport Math and Science Club | Ryanne James | $7,275.00 |
VP Students | ||
Conference for Learning and Academic Student Success (CLASS) – formerly “Get Learn’d Conference” | Janet Sinclair | $30,860.00 |
TEDx TERRY TALKS AND TERRY TALES – Interdisciplinary Student Jams – Ideas that Inspire Action | David Ng | $27,500.00 |
Building a Sustainable Let’s Talk Science Partnership Program | Janet Teasdale for Veronique Lecault | $12,750.00 |
UBC MIX Project – Creating Interdisciplinary Connections in Classrooms at UBC | Joanne Fox | $16,650.00 |
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Provost and Vice-President Academic website
Important Deadlines
The deadline for Faculties and Colleges to submit proposals for the 2014-15 competition is 4:30pm on Thursday, November 21, 2013. An official call for applications is expected to go out in late September 2013.
Applicants MUST submit their proposals directly to the applicable Dean's or Principal's Office. Dean's/Principal's Offices are asked to widely distribute their own deadline dates to allow themselves enough time to submit all applications to the Provost and VP Academic Office by its deadline of November 21, 2013.
Applications are not accepted via email.
Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic
Room 640, Koerner Library, 1958 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604-822-5892
Fax: 604-822-8118
Room 640, Koerner Library, 1958 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604-822-5892
Fax: 604-822-8118