<div class="breadcrumb breadcrumbs"><div class="breadcrumb-trail"> <a href="https://tlef.sites.olt.ubc.ca" title="Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund" rel="home" class="trail-begin">Home</a> <span class="sep">/</span> FAQ </div></div>


1. I have missed the internal (Faculty or College) deadline.  What can I do?

We do not have any influence on the internal deadline.  The applicant will have to contact the Dean’s or Principal’s Office.

2. May I submit an application without the signature of my Dean?

The Dean’s/Principal’s signature (or that of his/her delegate) is required on the application before it can be processed.

3. What is the maximum number of pages?

The maximum is 6 pages for new programs and 7 pages for continued programs (which require the additional page for the progress report).

4. May I hand-deliver my own application to your office?

No. All applications need to be forwarded to the relevant Dean’s/Principal’s/VP’s Office.

5. Will late applications be accepted?

No, we regret that late applications will not be accepted.

6. When will I be notified whether my application was accepted?

Usually the announcements go out in early March.  A letter from the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Academic goes out to each applicant, regardless of whether or not his/her application was successful.

7. How long are the funds provided for?

Two fiscal years, from April 1 to March 31.  Please note, however, that applicants are asked to strive to complete their projects within one year.

8. How will I get the funds?

The Office of the Provost and VP Academic sets up an individual PG in the  name of the Principal Signatory (author) of the project and advises each applicant by email.

9. Why are there no funds showing in my TLEF account?

It may take a few months for the funds to be transferred to the account.  However, you may withdraw funds in the meantime, creating a deficit that will be corrected later when the funds are deposited.

A zero balance will also show up at the end of the first fiscal year due to automatic unit budget consolidations at year-end.  The funds will be transferred back into the PG by your financial administrator.

10. Can a student submit an application?

Either an undergraduate or a graduate student can submit an application as long as there is a co-applicant (co-principal signatory) who is a Faculty member.

11. What do I need to include in the interim or final report?

The most important components are:

  • an indication of what has been accomplished
  • measures of impact on teaching and learning at UBC
  • examples of student involvement (where appropriate)
  • student evaluation and feedback (as appropriate)
  • summary of expenditures incurred to date

Interim reports are required to be attached to applicantions for 2nd or 3rd years of funding.  Final reports are required to be submitted to the Provost & VP Academic Office within 30 days of the conclusion of the project.  Please see the “Reporting” section of this website for the report templates.


12. What if I have a project that uses digital technology but doesn’t fit into the specific targeted criteria?

You should apply to the Standard TLEF in this case.  We anticipate that, as in previous years, many projects of this type will be funded by the standard TLEF fund.

13. May I submit a proposal to both funds?

A given project may only be submitted to either the Standard TLEF or FL TLEF stream.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund
Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic,

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